This trip was long overdue after trying to get Joseph Kisovi so as to do some tuning for my carburettor but we could not meet due to our different work schedules. So I opted to take it back to the dealership to see if they could try and do it.
After the service, the trip was locked and I went to work on Friday and planned to leave Mombasa at 2pm. I had four bars if fuel and I was sure it will get me to Mwatate after the tuning. I set off cruising at 90 to 95 km per hour. I was happy being greeted by some guys on personal cars, others on trucks and matatus. 3 hours later I was in Voi, had a failed meet and greet with someone here, 25 minutes later I was in Mwatate.
On getting to Mwatate, the last bar was blinking but the fuel was enough to get me back to Voi (it did). This means that the bike had improved when it comes to fuel efficiency but still it was high when you compare to other 200 - 250 cc bike's.
The bike inatulia (for luck of a better English word) at gear 4 instead of 3 like previously. Sometimes it would missfire and the furthest it could go was 103 km/hr. Previously it could go up to 110km/hr.
For this I still need @Joseph Kisovi's help. But let me tell you the results on my journey back. I fuelled full tank at Voi. And on Arrival to Mombasa I had only used one bar of fuel. I also think going to Mwatate is a uphill therefore more fuel is consumed while going back to Mombasa is down hill therefore less fuel consumption. I also noticed I need a wind shield since the wind was too strong when heading back to Mombasa.
I also think there was an issue with the odometer since the km covered did not reflect. I left Voi at 3,555 km and in Mombasa the odo read the same. Today I tried the bike as I was taking it for oil change and it was working again now reading 3,569 km.
With that said, I still have a lot to learn about bike's but I'd recommend this bike for commuting to work since it was build for that. A full tank will take you a whole month at least that's how long I takes me. If you want to do long distances, then you'll have to agree it's fuel consumption rate.
But with the buying price at 200k, something has to give. I am planning for a Kakamega trip soon. Will come back with a better review after the trip.