Finally my fingers can navigate through the keypad and I narrate to the brothers and sisters what happened to me on Saturday the 7th DEC 2019. I am sitted at home some where along thika road and I think, why don't I ride to Nyeri to see my grandpa, a retired major whom God has blessed with many years. So I make calls in Nyeri to find out how the weather was and after being told it was Fair enough I put on my riding gear and bod my wife and kids goodbye.
I hit thika road at a very enjoyable speeds of 80-90kph since the traffic was abit bad and since I had a whole week without riding because of the ongoing rains, I decided to enjoy a rather slow ride.
Fast forward, I am at kangocho and I ate the Ka mlima there at my own pace (I know @Tonny Gathogo is asking sasa dasani na mlima??) I pressed my DY200 singing in my helmet the songs of happiness that finally we have a weekend without rains.
Just at the Kerogoya junction, a fool in a Toyota corolla station wagon gets into the junction from nowhere without indicating and he realizes the oncoming traffic, in this case my bike and a Rav4. The estimated distance between me and this fool is less than 10m. At this time the traffic was clear and as usual after eating that kangocho hill, o was enjoying the ride, cruising at speed of 90-100kph.
No fractures, just nose bled and sof tissue injuries due to the impact. The bike got the better damage of the impact though.
What I learnt from that accident is that the quality of riding gear plays an important role for your survival.
Have a safe weekend.