Departure: 7.00am (Chogoria) Time back: 6.45pm (Chogoria) Distance: 274kms Route: Chogoria - Meru - Kangeta - Laare - Mutuati - Makutano - Kachiuru - Magado and back
Met these two friendly ladies. Later, I came across some two guys with guns herding cattle who stared at me wondering if am part of the dis-armourment crew.
Max speed: 84km/h Avg speed: 40kmhr Ride: Sonlink 150cc
Any bike handled by a skilled person can move beyond the expectations of many.
1. Service the bike and do regular maintenance
2. Do regular practice to up your skills
3. Eat and well and carry enough clean water
4. toolbox also is needed - DIY
5. gearup and fill the tank
Edit: this is climbing the rocky wall around Magado crater ( off Merti road) . No bike can get down to the crater because of very steep hilly area... but the road to the place is a great route for adventure riders.
Sonlink M1 - GN150cc
great inspiration by
Kitui Djothefu
@jambu kizee,
Collince Dibogoh
Patel Veer
Wakili Timam
Lion Kman