In Malindi, Nicolas took them through the gauntlet by getting them baked in the Hell’s Kitchen natural vista, then the sweeping sands of the Mamburui dunes where desert seems to meet ocean…yet, not entirely. They then took on the rough road to the jagged black rocks of Vuma cliffs, mixed it up with some boat rides and also the historical Vasco Da Gama pillar.
Servicing aside. How do you all take care of your bikes? I know there’s a team carwash and team DIY wash. I am team DIY wash and here’s my small bike care routine done once every Sunday and a weekday in between if need arises.
Today KT marks 1 year since she came out from the showroom. She has taken me to places. Just to mention Mombasa, Kisumu, Bungoma, Kitale and many others including one I will never forget a Ride to Garisa 😆😆😆. She has done so far 38,476Km.
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Vuma cliffs.....🤔 is a place that can be described as partly surreal and partly beautiful, worthy of the word "Vista". We roamed around the vast expanse of sharp jagged rocks and soaked in the humid salty air
The bike sounds and looks great with an ability to draw attention everywhere we go. At the ferry stop specifically, it caused quite a stir, it is an extremely beautiful bike.
Aenean ligula dui, non eros porttitor a, pharetra accumsan rutrum, wisi accumsan ullamcorper aliquam. In fermentum. Morbi sem et purus in tortor et ligula. Nam vestibulum in, vulputate sed, elementum congue, aliquet vulputate.
The brand has proven itself in Kenya. It will last as long as you take care of it appropriately. Longest journey I did was Moyale at 1400kms both ways in 2 days and the bike still felt ready to undertake another trip soon after. So on reliability we leave it there.
Aenean ligula dui, non eros porttitor a, pharetra accumsan rutrum, wisi accumsan ullamcorper aliquam. In fermentum. Morbi sem et purus in tortor et ligula. Nam vestibulum in, vulputate sed, elementum congue, aliquet vulputate.
Aenean ligula dui, non eros porttitor a, pharetra accumsan rutrum, wisi accumsan ullamcorper aliquam. In fermentum. Morbi sem et purus in tortor et ligula. Nam vestibulum in, vulputate sed, elementum congue, aliquet vulputate.
A local guy called one crocodile and the reptile obliged and came out of the water. I had never seen or heard of humans calling crocodiles from a river! It was and still is intriguing to me.