I left Nairobi on 24th at 4:30pm...lots of traffic due to the Urban-Rural Migration 😅. Rode halfway through the night; amazing experience Nakuru -Kisumu one tip for night riding- Get a vehicle Infront moving at a steady pace same as you and follow them. Also have powerful lights; very important got mine installed by @Waksi of Nairobi Motorcycle Bazaar...👌🏿 came in handy.
Otherwise: My starter has died AGAIN! 😭😭 so I have to push and jump on until I get a replacement, anyone with a solution to help the bike is Zongsheng 350ADV
I departed Nairobi on 25th at 6am and arrived in Kilgoris at 10:30am with a 15 min stopover at Narok.
Got an emergency ride to Kisii town afterwards where i left at 11 pm . I got home at 12am and i was supposed to report to work today 26th at Two rivers mall. This morning i took off at 6 am and arrived at at Ruaka few mins past 10am . Right now am at work with stiff glutes😅.
Got rains yesterday morning in Kikuyu which nearly discouraged me from going on thinking of more ahead maybe,luckily none afterwards 😂
Whoever constructed the Narok - Mai Mahiu highway had bikers in mind, i smoked all SUVs at their top speed,unfortunately my speedometer failed on the way after achieving a top speed of 160, thanks to my resilient Ninja.
Cagers still ‘can’t see’ bikers and they’ll proceed to overtake nevertheless,stay alert and have good breaks ps:use them well. Been a sweet 600km + over the past 24hrs .
Ngatoka kejani 4:30, Nairobi - Mombasa highway ilkua fine, hakuna jam 👌. Shika southern bypass fiti tu.
NB Usiwahi trust google maps, wueeeh karibu nimiss diversion ya southern bypass buana na saiyo map inaniambia ati diversion iko 8 kms ahead😁😁 ati nikazima bundles zangu😒
Another thing always check on your spark plug.
Jana ngafanyia mnyama service lakini sikukumbuka kuna kitu inaitwa plug. After kupita ile junction ya Machakos, mnyama akaanza kuguruma nikama anataka kuzima. Engine ikaisha nguvu ati ukijaribu kuituliza na gear 2 haiezi, inazima tu. Ikaanza kunukisha petrol mimi nikathani ni overflow tu. sasa sikuona kaa ni issue kubwa so nika ignore
Kufika Limuru naenda ku top up mafuta, hapo ndo nmeshangaa. Mnyama amekunywa 1200 from Kibwezi to Limuru. Bwana kukunywa kama mlevi. Sikua na time ya kuenda garage so nikashuka nayo ivo. wueeh jam iko kwa iyo barabara acha tu.
Alafu ile kuoshwa nimeoshwa, acha tu. 3/4 of the whole journey nime ride kwa mvua, but all in all nimefika safe.
How my pillion Gathoni Geita and I ended up past Githiga, Karirana, Limuru, Uplands,Viewpoint, Kimende, to Kijabe Hospital, is a story even I can't tell.
The return trip was even much livelier. Kimende, Kagwe, Githunguri, Kwamaiko. Oh, wasn't the sun sweet and warm! And wasn't she scared of damn cagers who never gave way!
Started at 10:00 am, though I had planned to start off early. At 10:00 am it was already hot in the north ( if you know you know). It was a nice single ride, though after Olulung'a with the rains, it was unbearable. It had to slow to half the speed I was cruising at. How to riders in Kisii manage to navigate the corners, especially when raining and it is night. From Chebilat to Kisii, it has been some hell of time. The sharp corners, plus I am not conversant much with them, it was really hectic. However, I arrived safe and sound and I thank God for that. Apart from Olulung'a to Kisii, all the other part of the ride was really enjoyable. With some small stopovers at Mwingi, Nairobi, and Narok, I can say that this small machine performed well.
with my new friend Innocent Giddy Murume, we did experience all weather conditions except snow😅. The smooth road was a plus, except some crazy cagers here and there. Had a long stop over at Embu, farewell at Chogoria as we separated and did the rest of the stretch to Meru Town alone. This is a road worth experiencing for every biker, the mountains are a great experience.
This country is super beautiful. Me and my no 1 pillion experienced amazing scenery in Ndakaini Dam. 👍🌲🌲👍
Also did some offroading via Ngethu water supply all the way to Gatundu town for lunch. A mix of twisties with red soils, murram and some scary single lane bridges. If it rains here it would be a nightmare 😂.
The Gatundu - Kenyatta road is a nice piece of road, well marked and super smooth. 🔥 And the roads were forgiving today as cagers nursed their xmas hangovers.😂😂
Just past Mlolongo on my way to Mombasa, upon checking my side mirror boooom💥!! a GS 1,200 ikiwa like 80m (behind) lakini in seconds vile nmepitwa nkiwa 100km/hr nmeiyona 100m ikiwa mbele yangu as you can see in the photo.
Aibu ndogo ndogo sipendi aiseee😵💫😜🙆🏾♂️.