A circuit around the Ngong Hills presented an opportunity to open RamblƏr One's 2022 adventure calendar with a sunny Sunday afternoon ride. OG biker Douglas Kiereini and his majestic Honda Africa Twin provided great company for the ride.
The circuit started at Shell Karen Crossroads (trip 0.0). Ride to Kerarapon, turn left onto Embul Bul tarmac road. The road cuts through some nice forest. Ride past the Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority compound (kumbe this ☢ thing is real 🤔).
Branched off the "Bulbul" road and crossed under the SGR line to Olkeri to join the Ngong-Kiserian road at Matasia. Nice neighbourhood. From Matasia on to Kiserian.
Right turn and climbed to Corner Baridi. Stopped to enjoy the view. A drop to Kisamis (trip 35km) on Magadi road. Turn right onto dirt road. The Ngong Hills tower on the right.
Dirty fun for 15km to Kimuka, where the road joins the tarmac Suswa road (trip 49.7km). The X-Pulse 200 is in its natural habitat here, pliant long-travel suspension smoothing out the rocks and ruts and Metzeler Enduro 3 Sahara tyres providing confident grip on the loose gravel. The bike never once felt out of balance. A short ride on the twisty blacktop towards Suswa.
Douglas and I had the mbuzi with ugali and managu. The mbuzi was tender and tasty. The ugali would pass the “Mluhya wall test” and the managu was excellent. A worthy meal, 5 stars. Got some fried tilapia to go from Sarah, the fish specialist. Also well made and tasty.
Return leg via Kibiko. Nice view of the wind turbines spinning lazily atop the Ngong Hills in the late afternoon sunlight. Total trip 90kms. A compact and fun ride. RamblƏr One was fun on dirt, gravel and tarmac twisties.