By Dan Tush
I loved bikes when I was young and especially the big ones but didn't understand how it works. I was always excited when a super bike passed by Mombasa road since my village wasn't far away.
Long story short, last year at the peak of Covid 19 my friend sent me pics of his new Bike. This motivated me and promised myself I would get one when I jet into the country since I was away. December 2020 i was already in Nairobi and straight to Captain motors Kahawa Wendani with another friend of mine, I was super excited. I wanted to start with a Dayun -5 like my friend but wait, in the pic it appeared small but in the show room I found one 'hell of a beast' (Remember I was used to Skygo 125's CC) besides other two white animals. I was scared by the size of the Bike, so I walked out thinking of Boxer 150.
My friend Oliver Kiptoo advised not to be scared I will get used to it after a few trips and insisted on that particular bike. So January 2021 I decided if bad bad, so I went ahead and got myself the Dash 5. There was no big difference in the skill of riding with what I was used to only that this was a sport bike with higher CCs and it's huge. Guys out there with big Bikes I salute you and always look forward to riding one like yours some day.
On the 24th Feb 2021 I took a trip from Nairobi via Kangundo road - Machakos - Wote - Makindu - Kibwezi and back to Nairobi via Mombasa road. Nothing beats the feeling of a long ride, especially for the first time, it was amazing, no challenges except a few bad behaviors' by some Truck and Bus drivers on Mombasa rd.
Next in my diary is Nairobi - Nyeri - Nyahururu - Nakuru back to Nairobi. If you have done this route, how was the experience, what should I expect?
1 Comment
Thank you very much for featuring my story. I feel so humbled and motivated as a Biker. Thank you