0430hrs filling 13ltr at Shell Ukunda i started the ride of the year. 35min later at the ferry.
After Mariakani that's where the bullying persisted I was push to the shoulder so many times till I developed a formula, when a car overtakes and its coming right in front of me (one gear down gently brake indicate left run to the shoulder check right mirror indicate return to the road) that worked for me. Riding on Kenyan roads is a dangerous affair its like every driver is on a mission to kill a rider. You have to anticipate and prepare run to the shoulders safely.
From Voi followed Mwatate Taveta road not so busy road drivers were nice too. There is a junction after the virtual weigh bridge after Voi River that took me to Mambura Primary School, Msau market, Fighinyi Primary School, Wundanyi.
From Mwatate nxt was Taita hill wildlife sanctuary i only saw two 🐃 buffalos nothing much the road was clear
Next was Maktau town
Entering Tsavo - there were carcasses of animals that were hit by cars on the road side the smell pyuuuu aaagh. 1605hrs at Taveta Rombo/Oloitoktok murram junction. Looking at the sky it was raining where am heading to.
Kilimanjaro was in view not so clear but i can see the peak from Njukini town.
Oloirien secondary school area was dry but there were flash flood from the rain in Tanzania, logs, twigs and branches were floating across I had to wait and seen how local boda boda experts cross the running water. A bm 150 with two cartons full crossed, I engaged gear 1 and followed suit.
A maasai man attempting to cross and log infront of him was swept just infront of him he decided to go to the other side and do rock-jump-crossing.
While crossing I heard a snap sound from the front wheel I thought its just a twig, a km later my bike speed is 0 and am moving, the odo is stuck at 12204km. Now I know the twig broke my speedo cable.
From here Kilimanjaro was visible and I couldn't get enough of the view all the way from Rombo through Entarara primary school to Oloitoktok
1830hrs loitoktok town came into view.
Find a place
Now its raining and cold and I'm sleeping alone like a panga or farm tool.
It time to read my constitution on the chapter that deals with TAKING SHOWER/BATH.
ARTICLE 1(E)You shouldn't take shower at attitude above 5000fts above sea levels and at temp below 24⁰C.
Following this constitution its no shower for me.