W hat started out as a simple off road adventure to look for the hotsprings in our Kwale county with Simon Chei Chege and Gerald Mwikamba soon turned sketchy as we decided to ignore the maps and just go with the locals' increasingly confusing information.
Part of the stretches were done at speed with thr Haojin Warrior proving to be a beast in this terrain, moments when Gerald came in too hot and found himself smack dab into a puddle of mud and slush as he tried to avoid a head on collision with a local rider.
We could have gone to Malindi, but we decided to make due with what we had.
Peter Moss come see what this thing is capable of... 🙂 Sasa uambie Bajaj wanitengenezee ADV mrefu na kubwa kiasi... Their product was punished excessively... Hata sina video za mitaro ilichapa.