T he day this bike came into my life I never knew what I wanted to do with it, I just wanted to have it but it turned out to be the best decision I could have made at that time. She helped me move around and move faster, she helped me get new friends and definitely helped me discover new places in this country and across borders but nothing can beat the fact that she helped me discover myself.
We have been to Tanzania for no apparent reason, we have been to national parks, been to police stations and prisons just to visit friends, been to hospitals to take people and visit others, we go to my village every week, Nyeri seems to have come closer to Nairobi, made me get closer to my parents I can pop up at the gate anyday any time.
We have endured hours and hours of heavy rain on the highway, sometimes not even sure how the day will end.. we have missed death several times because of recklessness of typical Kenyan drivers, some times something happens and you just have to stop, park and rest to recollect yourself but we have made it all through.
I have made friends because of bikes and also lost friends on bikes but that is life, even planes crash and kill, only God never fails. Kenya has become so small, I dont need alot of preparations for me to visit Mombasa, I dont need to report when am visiting the village, 300kms from home is something so small, you call I come.
She is now at 40k kms and still one of the cleanest Karizmas on the highway... biker's life