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Moi North Lake Road, Naivasha

I survived a terrifying motorcycle crash
13 February 2022
February short stories
14 February 2022

By Eric Kihiu

Fancy some dual sport fun? Try the 33km long Moi North Lake Road that loops around the northern part of Lake Naivasha. It starts at Kongoni near the alkaline Lake Oloiden, and ends at Morendat where it joins the Naivasha - Nakuru highway.

The road traverses savannah country, featuring a series of wildife conservancies, ranches and farms. The first 16km is wide, rugged dirt road. Plenty of wildlife can be seen, including buffalo, waterbuck and zebra.

As you ride along, you can catch glimpses of Lake Naivasha through a riparian belt of acacia trees. The lake is never more than a few hundred metres away - prime tourism country, with a number of lodges and tented camps in the area.

Some sections of the road have seen recent grading, and the arrow-straight bit from the Aquila farm junction to the corner at Wileli House lodge gate is especially tempting. There's a couple of raised culverts on which legends can get both wheels off the ground.

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