There is this ride I have always wanted to do but kept on postponing since May this year
On Tuesday i decided to ask a friend of mine Peter Njogu from the JC family if he can join me jamaa akachangamkia. On Friday akaniambia he has friend who is in for it, it turned out it was my good friend too Kamau Mwangi.
Yesterday si mimi huyu roundabout ya Roysambu heading to Juja to pick Peter and his Pillion, pale Shell high point tukajaza tank. Vroom sisi hao Murang'a tukapatana na @kamau mwangi, he had gone to check up on his friend Dan from Benelli family.
Because the main route to Nyeri is under construction, we didn't proceed to Sagana so we chose to divert heading to Kangema then Othaya tutokee Nyeri. Lemme tell you, zile twist ziko hio njia wacha tu.
Past Muiga
There is a place ukipita Muiga called Kiawara, apo mbele before the kabridge the traffic was slow so peter decide to overtake, some nigga caging toyota Noah moves out to overtake without checking his side mirror or rather what was on the oncoming lane, Peter and his pillion wote chini not to mention rolling several times on the tarmac, thanks to Gear and God because they only sustained a few scratches. The bike suffered a few scratches too kwa faring ya left, our worry was on ako kachuma ka kushikilia gear lever na foot peg kalikua kamevunjika.
The Noah guy was kind enough, took Peter's pillion to a nearby hospital few check ups and the dressing of the scratches. We were lucky tukapata msee akatuchomea ako kachuma then tukamalizana na msee wa gari. It's now around 5:30pm and we are more than 250km from home, at that moment my opinion was we turn and go back but sisi ni nani, we proceed to Nyahururu.
Kuna jamaa alitufuata na Keeway pale Ol kalau anaitwa Sam wa Nakuru Bikers club akatufikia then tukasimama kwa giza, he gave us a brief about the road na tukaachana.
At exactly 8:45pm tukafika Gilgil. Thanks to Brotherhood Bikers group for your concern, walituambia tulale but sisi ni nani, after 15 minuter tukachomoka, tuko na 1 hr before Curfew. Only one stop over pale Nairvasha kutop up fuel. Sisi hao View point, Limuru, Banana, Kiambu, Kiringiti, Tatu city, Ruiru join Thika road and our last stop over pale Shell ya Toll at 11:30pm. We had a brief chat and we said good bye. Kamau Mwangi proceeded to Thika then mimi nikapeleka Peter and his pillion to Juja.
Shell pale Toll Thika road