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Oloitoktok to Taveta through Tanzania

Benelli TRK 502 Review
7 December 2021
Christmas short stories
25 December 2021

By Matano Mzee Ngala

26th November 2021 morning Oloitoktok is cold and it rained all night till morning. Every drop, there are chances that it makes the flush floods worse, I was warned by several guys including Fransx Mrisha and Kelvin Somoire whom i talked to on Wonderlust about the flush floods and rain season. It was risky to go through Rombo, Njukini, Taveta route.


In preparation i had my passport, yellow fever booklet and my donkey's logbook all this was preparation for a nice tarmac from Kibaoni / Tarakea border Kenya to Holili Taveta and I will be home.

0600hrs Kobil Oloitoktok full tank again 11.7ltrs, 8kms I was at Kibaoni border post KE side handed my password for KE exit stamp and logbook to KRA tax man for a temporary importation/exportation form, indicating its a temporary stay and you declare to pay taxes when you want to transfer to the motorcycle another person or when the stay is longer than 3months that was my understanding.

Went to the Tanzania Tarakea side, meen it started with Covid cert, I know I didn't have but I want to cross. I showed him my vaccination cert he was like "wewe nenda Nairobi upime." Now kimeumana.

I had to explain that I'm not staying but I'm on transit and I was allowed in immigration office for passport entry to Tanzania stamp, handed logbook and the importation/exportation form to TRA (Tanzania Revenue Authority) stamped and am done around 0815hrs.


From Tarakea border post everything was nice the Twisties waaaa! I have never seen, the road engineering was nice, in every twist the inner lanes are made wider than the outer you can go wider on a corner without entering the other lane. Mashima, Mamsera to Himo junction where you have Holili on the right and Moshi, Arusha and Dar on the right. Next stop was Holili border post presented my docs and I was cleared.

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Next was the 35km to Lake Jipe. The road is murram with volcanic loose chippings do hard braking you kiss the ground. Masaai herders with cattle sheep and goats on the way covering the whole road width and a considerable length had to ride slowly. There was evidence of flush floods from previous day rain on the road there were tree branches, twigs and pebbles that were left by running water on the road. 1hr later Lake Jipe was in view.


The return trip to Diani has to start, 3km from Jipe at the fence of Jipe Primary School the 4 jumbos competed my trip in style that was the best of my trips, elephants crossing a few meters ahead I had to stop take pics. The primary school pupils just stopped and cheered like its normal, I had to ask why they are not scared of the jumbos the answer was "SISI NI WA NOMA" "we re the bad guys"

1430hrs at Taveta 1630hrs Voi 1838hrs. Mariakani I had to sleep at Kaloleni Giriama. Lungalunga border is closer I will make another trip through Lungalunga to Tanga Tz insha'Allah.


Don't ask for my bike cc its a Kuga 150cc and also don't ask how i managed 461km day 1 and 403km day2 with the bench seat of kuga because I had to buy a spare tube for the front then inflate it with some little air fold it and secure it on my seat πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ comfort. My little bottoms were pain less no πŸ’ monkey bottoms all the way.

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