Off Magadi Road a museum's placed,
Many know of, but haven't graced;
Olorgesailie: a tricky name to unwind,
Totally twists the tongue and mind.
The itch to visit wouldn't relent,
My son on pillion, off we went;
Rongai to Kiserian through awful jam;
The messy traffic raised mild alarm.
To Corner Baridi's a serious rise,
And there's potholes that can surprise;
A snaking descent into the Rift,
Steady at hairpin and dipping drift;
Sunkissed plains and mystery hills afar,
Savoured better by bike than car;
On lumpy tarmac, the X-pulse floats,
Past morans with cattle and shoats;
On site, behold the archeological monuments,
Sheds that shelter our fossilized antecedents;
Strangely shaped skulls and sharp stones,
Evolution explained by rocks and bones.
Spied distant giraffe from the boardwalk,
Walked on paths powdery as chalk;
They have some bandas, quite basic,
I'd term their style wilderness rustic.
An interesting visit, worth the trip,
Even the guide earned his tip;
Ahead of sunset we headed back,
Prudent to leave well before dark.
On homeward leg, one complaint, sadly,
The usual menace: cagers behaving badly;
Premio, oncoming, hogged the slim road,
Made me swerve, that callous toad!
A rewarding ride without much ado,
Lovely scenery and nice route too;
Junior and I had fabulous fun,
Our randoms series has just begun.