Following Nicolas Kazz post sometime last year on Sala gate, I added it to my bucket list, so today I checked on maps and maps indicated its a 290km round trip,
TVS HLX 125 was half tank, rode to Shell and added some 5 litres, I did 70 - 80kph and by 9:30 am i was at Baolala (which marked the end of a familiar road).
I however decided to maintain the same speed since I wanted to be back before mid day. For the first like 10km all was well since I could be overtaken by a psv bike or even a probox and I knew i will have company all along, but that was my thinking. Things changed the bikes disappeared in to the bushes and I was left all alone with the km indicators (the first one read 78km to Sala Gate😰) giving me hopes of getting to my destination.
I was now worried thinking what if something happens 😂😂, remember its thick forests both sides of the roads with few somalish herders with very sharp pangas , for some who were on the road (minding their own bs) I was overtaking them like trailers😂😂 with the fear of them slitting my throat, but as I ate kms I started getting used to them and even waved to some who waved back. Tour van drivers were surprised and one asked me where am heading to since i no bike is allowed through Sala Gate.
I never had hopes of meeting any bikers but Mungu ni nani😂.. two walami were on the road side taking photos (memories) .. I stopped we had a chat and I found out they were camping somewhere near the river, we exchanged contacts and agreed to have a bike ride 😂😂 in the future.
Still happy that I met bikes I am welcomed by the huge river beside the gate and the child in me sings out loud "these are the days i will remember". I met two KWS, we had a chat, I got some photos and boom return leg. Since i was now familiar with the road I decided to do 80-90kph with my gauge still halfway.